FAQs About UltraCoat Powder Coating

Powder coating is the application of “finely ground” resin’s (dry powder) to a nearly surgically-clean part or substrate, and then subjecting this substrate to high heat in order to cure the powder.  During this high heat cycle the powder melts and cross links to create a uniform, homogenous coating.

Unfortunately no, everything cannot be powder coated.  Most metals and thermosetting plastics like Bakelite can be coated. Any substrate that you are considering coating must be able to withstand cure temperatures of at least 320F for 20 minutes.

It all starts with the wash, which not only cleans the part, but also etches the substrate on a macro level.  Powder is then applied electrostatically to the part or substrate.  In layman’s terms, the process creates a magnetic flux between the part and the powder, much like how an old horse-shoe magnet attracts steel. Additionally, the part or substrate is preheated which helps the uncured powder to stick to the substrate.

Powders are unique in that they can be manufactured to be as smooth as glass or contain fillers to give a aesthetically pleasing textured finish.  Consistency is driven by part or substrate geometry. It is easy to get even coating weights (thickness) on flat surfaces.

Yes. Because powder coating is a dry process, it is easy to pre-mask (protect from coating) areas that need to be paint free. These areas might be internal or external threads, or machined mating surfaces. Please refer to some of the photos contained in the Gallery for examples of masked surfaces.

That depends. New, virgin manufactured parts typically only require processing on our automated line which includes etching the substrate. Parts that you are rebuilding and may already be coated require stripping, and possible other physical or chemical prep.  Please contact a representative, or call (262) 723-7061 for more information.

Nearly every major manufacturer supplies all 190 colors listed in the Standard RAL color deck.  Additionally each major manufacturer typically offers its own list of specials such as Pastels, Textures, Candy Apples, Architectural and Metallic coatings. Prices outside the Standard RAL deck can wildly very.  We recommend that you contact a representative or call (262) 723-7061 for more information.

Powder cannot be applied over liquid coatings, however, powder can typically be applied over other powder coatings.

Preparation is the key to get any coating to adhere properly. We would never recommend coating over a rusted surface. It is best to physically or chemically prepare the surface for best results.

Yes. Lot sizes vary from 1 to 100,000. We have coated things as unique as a Civil War cannon— to an old Ford tractor restoration becoming a one-of-a-kind work or art.

Yes. Lot sizes vary from 1 to 100,000. We have coated things as unique as a Civil War cannon— to an old Ford tractor restoration becoming a one-of-a-kind work or art.

Yes. Quality, Price and Delivery. Not one is any good without the others.

Powder coating is typically much more durable than liquid coating. This is a result of better chemistry, and application methods. Additionally, powder is usually applied at 0.002”-0.003” in thickness. Liquid coatings typically have an applied thickness of less than 0.001.” Most of us have had experience with Spray Paint and know that spraying it often results in “Runs.”

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